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half a day

Monday, June 8, 2009

~2am - monster wanders into room, whining, f. has a headache. get up, climb into monster's bed with him, cuddle back to sleep.

~4:30am - hear monkey crying, confused, forgot i was in monster's bed. stumble back into my room, get monkey, get into bed, nurse him back to sleep. and nurse, and nurse, and nurse.

~5:45am - monster is on top of me, won't go back to his bed, f. has a Really Bad Headache. convince monster to keep still and quiet in our bed. nurse monkey occasionally.

~6:30am - monster really wants his lost sock, and it's time to get up anyway. keep quiet so f. and monkey don't wake up. get monster's bread and butter, my mate, morning pee pee, pack a snack, find the water bottle, sweep spilt mate, run up to monkey before he bugs f., nurse monkey, change his diaper, brush monster's teeth, my teeth, find clothes for me, convince monster he has to wear his uniform shirt, he has to wear a sweatshirt, he has to wear a jacket (the rest is easier because he slept in it last night), pack the computer, the diaper bag, get kids into carseats, find favourite song on favourite cd (brujas song).

~8:10am - we're off, my first solo car ride to the city, with 2 kids in tow, to find a parking spot near monster's daycare.

monkey sleeps the whole way!
i don't get lost!
monster is in a good mood and we sing together and chat!
i find parking!
i'm not more than half an hour late!
i leave monster moderately happy!
i go to the health food store!!
monkey patiently lets me buy everything i want!
i get some new white socks for monster,
and make it to the wi-fi cafe by 10am!!
monkey sleeps and lets me work for almost 30min!

~10:30am - nurse monkey, keep him happy with lip balm case, cuddle and translate, cuddle and translate, nurse and translate, cuddle and nurse...

~11:15am - finish translation!! nurse a little more, pay, get to monster's school on time!! he's happy to see me, a big hug, an agreeable walk to the car.

~12 noon - kids in carseats, favourite music playing, find my way out of the city, monkey sleeps, f. texts me that he misses me, monster still in good mood.

~1pm - get home safely, monster eats lots, i eat something healthy that i actually cooked the other day with the express purpose of having leftovers, monkey eats, f. eats.

~2:45pm - monster goes to sleep, i sweep, clean the table, put away toys, organize dishes (but don't wash them!) and sit down at the computer to keep working.

~3:15pm - nurse monkey to sleep, keep working...

all in all, being totally exhausted and a bit stressed about My 1st Venture to the City Alone with the Kids, it worked out pretty ideally. now for some mate and a bit of time with f., if we can squeeze it all in before the monsters wake up...

...nope, there's the monster now...

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